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Stuff by Nick

This Wiki thing is dedicated to code snippets and other technical stuff that I gathered during my work at VMware as a technical support engineer (TSE).

As a quick introduction, I have been in IT in one form or another for over 20 years. Currently, my work at VMware is to support the storage subsystems, including FC, iSCSI, NFS…etc as well as the proprietary filesystem VMFS.

This was my original job, however, VMware decided to merge the Storage, Networking and Fault groups under one umbrella: Infrastructure.

While my primary focus is still Storage, I am also proficient in things like VDP, SRM, and PSODs. My favourite by far is SRM.

In 2016, VMware decided to shutdown the Canada support office. So now, I am “The VMware Guy” at Dell/EMC engineering labs. I miss SRM very much, but I learned a heck of a lot more about vCloud, VRA, VC, XtremIO, Python and PowerCLI.

Most of the stuff I dump in here will be small, no long explanations, and likely to break.
You have been warned, use at your own risk.


List of stuff included here:

Other stuff:

start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/19 01:06 by

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